
Thank you for visiting. Please remember that all photos on this site are ©2002-2006 by Steve Sowell. Please do not reuse them without permission.

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August 7, 2006 Three shots from a walkaround at Metro Beach.
August 5, 2006 Got a lot accomplished Saturday; felt good. The first stop was Farmer's Market; here are three photos, including one of Chris. Saturday night we went to the Festival of Lights Boat Parade at Metro Beach. What a letdown! only 8 boats decorated. It was too dark to get many good shoots, but here are a few.
August 4, 2006 My birthday was Wednesday. Here are photos from the home celebration and one from the office celebration.
July 31, 2006 Truly a Cub Scout weekend! On Friday, Ben, Joe, and I went with the Pack on a tour of Comerica Park, home of the Detroit Tigers (currently No. 1). Saturday morning, Ben and I went to Camp Agawam for Cub-Parent Weekend.
July 23, 2006

Lots of photos from the weekend:

First, Ben, Joe, and I went downtown to see Air Margaritaville in concert.

Saturday, Chris and I went to the farmer's market, where we ran into our friend Cheryl. Then we worked in the yard, where I saw a grasshopper, the kids found a toad, and I shot several of the flowers currently blooming.

Sunday after church, we went out to Wolcott Mill Metropark and wandered around the farm.

Late Sunday afternoon, Ben, Joe, and I went to the Squirt Zone at Metro Beach.

July 18, 2006 Gnats, wildflowers, silly boaters.
July 15, 2006 Fun day Saturday. I got up and out to Metro Beach by 6:00 a.m., just to wait in line to get in. Afterward, Chris and I went to the Farmers Market and I got the fixin's for gazpacho and Chris got a bouquet of lilies. Then we drove up to Algonac and picnicked at Algonac State Park, then to the Algonac-Clay Museum to see a sailing ship. Sunday morning, I got up and took Tom to St. Thecla to leave for summer camp, then went back to Metro Beach. Several pages of photos: One, Two, Three.
July 8, 2006 (2) Nice day today, even though I had to work in the morning. Josh came home for lunch (OK, he had to get his truck bed cover fixed, but he came to see us). I worked a little in the garden, mostly moving compost. In the evening, I walked up to the Mount Clemens Car Cruise and shot some photos of the cool cars (and people). Also, a few flowers on the way downtown.
July 8, 2006 Photos from the week; I just haven't had time to review and post. First, some shots from a solo visit to Metro Beach on July 3. Second, Ben's 10th Birthday. Third, Joey and I went to Metro Beach on Thursday.
July 2, 2006 We went to the Detroit Zoo today. The first page are photos of family. The second page are photos of sights.
June 30, 2006 I went to Canal Park with Ben and Joe last night; boy, was that a mistake! The mosquitos were unbearable. After a quick march along the trail, we decided to go to Wilson Park instead and play on the playscape. Here are six photos; five of the kids and one of a moth.
June 29, 2006 Last night after dropping Becky off at Dance Camp, Joey and I went out to Metro Beach. Here are a few photos from the excursion.
June 28, 2006 I went to Metro Beach again before work. The carp were spawning, butterflies were out, rabbits, terns, gulls. Some flowers at Knox church on the way to the office. Enjoy.
June 26, 2006

Haven't been out photographing much, but here are a few photos:

First, photos from the Troop's spaghetti dinner fundraiser Saturday night. Actually, most photos were taken by our scoutmaster, as I was in the kitchen cooking.

Second, Josh dropped in kind of unexpectedly (he called at noon to say he would be by for dinner) Sunday with a couple of friends.

June 20, 2006 Tom's troop met at Metro Beach Tuesday. Here are some photos of an oriole, planes from Selfridge praticing take-offs and landings, and one of the kids in the pool.
June 19, 2006 Chris and I went to Traverse City for the ABI Central States Workshop. I was one of the speakers. Here are a few photos from the weekend.
June 13, 2006 Becky's dance recital was last night. I tried to pick at least one good photo from each of the numbers; some have two or three. "Good" is judged from the point of view of whether the photographer got a shot, not from whether the girls were good--all the girls were good! I shot 435 frames before I ran out of CF cards (so I missed the last two or three numbers); here are the 78 "best."
June 7, 2006

I went out to Metro Beach yesterday morning. My eyes were bothering me; things seemed out of focus, so I was figuring I wouldn't have much luck. Maybe the photos weren't the greatest (you be the judge), but I had a GREAT time! Frolicking deer (the first deer I've seen at Metro Beach, although one of the park police stopped to talk to me and told me he sees deer regularly, although rarely so late (8:15) in the morning). The groundhog was out. There was a turtle laying eggs. The finches were fighting over perches on the weeds. And the carp were going nuts in the marsh: thrashing around in the weeds. There must have been two dozen or so; it was almost eerie to watch and listen to them. Rabbits grazing as I was leaving. Great photo opportunities.

Oh, and also some flowers from Tuesday night around St. Thecla during Tom's scout meeting.

I upgraded this week to an iMac Intel Core Duo with Aperture software to manipulate my photos. The web page exports look much more professional than iPhoto exports did. New learning curve with the new software, but I think I'll really enjoy it.

June 6, 2006 It's been a busy week, so I haven't posted much. However, here are two new pages for you: first, six photos of Becky, Ben, and Joe at the Tot Lot at Metro Beach. Second, photos from the Cub Scout picnic. Last pack meeting of the school year.
May 29, 2006 I went out to Metro Beach to watch the Memorial Day crowds. Found a park bench and just started snapping. Here are the nine best photos of the evening.
May 28, 2006 We took Chris' mother with us to Frankenmuth for chicken dinners at Zehnders. Here are photos from the trip. I think everybody had a good time.
May 25, 2006 I accompanied Becky and the St. Mary 7th Grade class on their field trip to the Air Zoo in Kalamazoo, Cereal City in Battle Creek, and the Binder Park Zoo. Here are the 86 best photos (3 pages) from the day.
May 20, 2006 Busy day Saturday. Tom and I took the water jug to the Cass Cleanup site, but we couldn't stay because the family had to go for photos for the church directory. We went back after photos to Cass Cleanup and worked for 4 hours (got a sunburn). Chris took Becky to dance rehearsal. I took the others out for ice cream. Then home for dinner, and I went to Metro Beach after. Here are six photos from the day, most from Metro Beach.
May 17, 2006 I went to Metro Beach in the morning, and wandered around outside Becky's dance studio in the evening. Here are 5 photos from the day.
May 14, 2006 We went to Lakeport State Park to camp this weekend. Our family, except Tom, stayed in our pop-up in the campground; Tom's troop was in the organizational camp. The Trilliums were in peak bloom this weekend and I got a few photographs of them. I hope you enjoy the photos.
May 11, 2006 A few photos from Metro Beach taken Wednesday morning and this morning. We're going camping this weekend, so naturally it's supposed to rain all weekend.
May 10, 2006 Chris attended the Kindergarten Tea and took some photos of Joey.
May 6-7, 2006

Saturday night was an Eagle Court of Honor for one of our troop's scouts.

On Sunday afternoon, Chris, Tom, Becky, Ben, Joey and I went to Metro Beach, first to fish (no luck) and then to fly kites (better luck).

May 5, 2006 A mixed bag today: the cub scouts raced space derby ships last night off our deck; a couple of Ben racing. Out to Metro Beach this morning, where the goslings were enjoying the sunshine. I hope you enjoy the photos.
May 3, 2006 Rebecca (and other 7th and 8th graders) was inducted into the Junior National Honor Society last night--in the dark due to some underground explosions in Mount Clemens which knocked out power. Here are photos.
April 30, 2006 Tom and I went to East Lansing for the Michigan State Science Olympiad. While Tom was an alternate for the De La Salle team and did not actually participate in any events, it was a good dry run for when he does compete. The first and second pages are of the competition. The third page is of other things I saw along the way, along with a couple of Josh, with whom we had dinner Friday night and lunch Sunday.
April 28, 2006 Just a few images attempting to capture the glory of Spring. Tree flowers, goslings, tulips, daffodils, birds. Tom and I go to MSU this weekend for the Science Olympiad. De La Salle is competing. We'll get together with Josh for dinner tonight at least, maybe more.
April 23, 2006

Ben and I went with three other Cub Scout father-son pairs to the Great American Museum Experience at Greenfield Village/Henry Ford Museum. What a great weekend!.

First, photos of the scouts (and parents) on the trip.

Second, photos just of Ben from the trip.

Third, various things that caught my eye.

April 21, 2006

After court this morning, I did a drive through Belle Isle. For the second time, I pulled up just in time to see a rower pass in front of the Renaissance Center. I like the first picture better, though.

After dinner this evening, I went out the Metro Beach. The wind surfers were out (that water *has* to be cold!). Here are pictures of jumps, some portraits/sails shots, and what I think is the best jump sequence. I wish my camera would do a burst of more than 5 shots in RAW mode.

April 20, 2006

Joey and I went to Metro Beach after dinner. The water was uncharacteristically calm (no winds), and very little in the way of fauna so the photos are mostly of Joe. Also, one of Tom just before leaving on the scout campout for the weekend.

Ben and I go for an overnighter at Greenfield Village Saturday night. I'm looking forward to new photo opportunities.

April 19, 2006

Joey went to Chloe's birthday party yesterday, but I am reticent to post photos without her parent's permission. I took the rest of the afternoon (only an hour) off and went shooting daffodils and fauna at Metro Beach instead.

April 16, 2006 Happy Easter! We had Chris' family over for brunch today. Here are photos. Afterward, Ben, Joe, and I went to Metro Beach to the Tot Lot.
April 15, 2006 Big burst of activity today to get ready for Easter brunch tomorrow at our house. Seating for 20. Patty and Mama came over this afternoon to color Easter eggs. Then, I went to Metro Beach.
April 14, 2006 Another busy week, but I have been shooting. First, photos of family; Chris, Ben and Joe, Tom at scouts, Ben and Joe again. Second, some flowers. Third, some shots from Metro Beach.
April 8, 2006 I've taken some photos this week, but have been too busy to post. First, some photos of Josh (he was home last weekend) and Ben and Joe Wednesday at Metro Beach. Second, some photos of swans, gulls, and geese at Metro Beach. Third, Tom and I went to see "George M," a play put on by the De La Salle Wig & Mask Society. Finally, crocus and snowdrops are beginning to bloom; daffodils will be next.
